Managing Advanced Hydraulic Models with QGISRed plugin.
From EPANET to Digital Twins
From EPANET to Digital Twins
Course Leader
Fernando Martínez – Research Institute of Water and Env. Eng. (IIAMA). Technical University of Valencia (UPV), Spain
Course Leader/instructors

Fernando Martinez
Professor Hydraulic Eng – IIAMA- UPV
Fernando Martínez Alzamora was graduated in Industrial Engineering in 1978 and got his PhD in 1982. He is Full Professor of Hydraulic Engineering since 1995 at the Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain. His main research is focused on water distribution modelling and the efficient use of water and energy in water supply and irrigation systems, working very close to the industry sector. He has led the development of several software packages oriented to modelling the behaviour of the hydraulic systems, using jointly GIS info and real time data provided by SCADA systems, been addressed finally to the development of Digital Twins. He has been involved in many research projects and has published more than 120 technical papers on these topics in indexed journals and conference proceedings.

Paloma Batanero
PhD Civil Engineer. INAK & Associates
Paloma Batanero Akerman was graduated in Civil Engineering in 2001 and finished her PhD in 2015, both at Madrid Polytechnic University, Spain. Her main research has been focused on 2D river flood modelling and hydraulic digital twins. She has worked as a hydrology and hydraulic network modelling specialist in different companies, as an industry advisor and freelance. She led the first flood early-warning and monitoring system in Spain, Bilbao and has been involved in more than 500 complex hydraulic models, such as drainage and foul networks, urban and rural flooding, irrigation, and water supply systems. She has given almost 1200 hours in lectures and training courses on both commercial and freeware: HEC-RAS, HEC-HMS, InfoWorks ICM, RS (2D river modelling), CS (collection networks) and WS (water supply), has published several papers in hydraulic engineering publications and collaborated in 5 books.
Short Description
QGISRed is a free plugin of the open software QGIS, developed by the IIAMA of the UPV, which takes advantage of many features provided by this platform to make easier building hydraulic models from the corporate information of water utilities, and keep it updated. QGISRed allows to build even simple models on a blank canvas, as in EPANET, replicating all the capabilities of this application and extending them, or fully realistic water distribution networks models, taking into account other components that EPANET does not currently support, such as service connections, shut-off valves, measurement sensors, DMAs, non-revenue water while differentiating latent and specific leaks, etc. New elements can be connected with customer points or automated meter readings, SCADA measurements, maintenance operations, leaks, etc. Moreover, all QGIS capabilities for editing, visualizing or geoprocessing data can be used seamless with the additional tools developed in QGISRed, allowing to increase its potential.
The first part of this interactive course will show the additional capabilities that QGISRed offers on top of EPANET for building traditional hydraulic models, such as new graphic editing tools, layout debugger tools, DTM elevations interpolation, pipes roughness assignment by age and material, units and roughness conversion according to the loss formula applied, nodes demands application based on urban mapping info, etc. Model data can be also imported from shapefiles or INP files and exported back to EPANET or analyse the results directly from QGISRed.
In the second part of the course, the QGISRed extension to build Digital Twins will be shown, which allows to add new elements to the model and connect them with the registered consumptions in various formats, with data field measurements, or with maintenance operations, thus allowing a faithful reproduction of network real behaviour . When using temporal real data, QGISRed allows to show the behaviour of the network at any chosen time. The connection with real data makes it also possible to assess for KPIs over a time period, to carry out water balances by sectors at any time, or to simulate operations starting with network conditions at any given time, and also to keep the model continuously calibrated.
For more information, visit the official QGIS repository , or the GitHub site , where you can also download the Manual in English and Spanish, and pose any questions or issues. QGISRed installation is direct and simple from the QGIS Plugins menu option.
Target Audience
- Graduated and high-level university students, researchers, engineers from consultancies or NGO for cooperation, professionals from water utilities.
- It would be desirable for attendees to have a basic knowledge of QGIS software, although it is not a necessary requirement. Previous knowledge in managing EPANET and its capabilities is also assumed.